Thursday, October 28, 2010

Real social media stalker, or shameless self promotion in disguise?

So one of my co-workers alerted me to this Twitter account, run by a kid who claims to be OKC Thunder star Kevin Durant's neighbor. His name is Mathias Murphy and his Twitter handle is kd35sneighbor. This kid (if it really is the kid in the profile pic) uses Twitter and You Tube to spy on Kevin Durant from across the street and through his windows. There's video of him shooting hoops, taking out the trash, and even eating Fruit Loops in his kitchen! If this is real, uh.... CREEPY!!!!

But part of me wonders if this is just Kevin Durant (and/or his publicist) using fake accounts to self-promote? The Twitter account "kd35sneighbor" was opened on October 20th, just a few days before the NBA season opened. Apparently Durant even posted his phone number on his Twitter account recently. Sounds like a guy who really likes to get his name and info out if you ask me... not that there's anything wrong with that. :-)

But just today, KD himself tweeted: "Yo @kd35sneighbor quit snoopin around my house with ur camera!!! If you wanna chill, just come over...I’m around bruh bruh" Of course, @ replying to the alleged "neighbor" is just going to give the kid more followers. As of this writing, kd35sneighbor has 526 followers. Let's see how many he has after all of Durant's followers pick up on it.

Maybe I'm just cynical... But if you want to do your own detective work and come to your own conclusions, here are all the links to get you started:


  1. I would totally do this if I were Kevin's neighbor. Just so I'd get an invitation to come over and chill. :)

  2. I would like to note that this blog was up hours before the Oklahoman blog that busted the myth. NewsNotOlds > NewsOK.

  3. That's me Mel! Trying to stay relevant! In fact, my blog even beat the Lost Ogle blog! Woo hoo! Newsnotolds- 1. The Lost Ogle- 0!

  4. Oh, and apparently the Oklahoman beat both of us. FYI: update from Mel: Looks like Nike is behind it. I KNEW I smelled a fake! Ha!

  5. No, the oklahoman didn't beat you - that is what I was saying. It went up hours after yours.
